2016년 1월 26일 화요일

Echo Client & Server based on MultiProcessing

This program operate at Linux Environment

  • Server provide Two or more client with service using Multiprocess.
       Use 'fork()' function.
       As using Multiprocess,
       One server can receive messages which Clients sended.

  • Input/Output Routine Division

       Client previously waits until Data sended or received once Data send or receive.
       As using Multiprocess,
       Client's parent process takes charge of 'Data Receive'.
       Client's child process takes charge of 'Data Send'.

OS : Linux
      => Windows don't have function such as 'fork()'
           Windows provide 'CrateProcess()' function. but It completely isn't same function.

Source Code

◈ references
   picture - http://fingerdev.tistory.com/24

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